Monday, April 25, 2011

Back Again!

It is early Monday morning and we are back at the Cancer Treatment Center of America for round two. Brittani told Matt that he should dress up like Rocky Balboa and come in with boxing gloves on and playing "The Eye of The Tiger" on a cd player! Could you imagine that??!! So far Matt is in good spirits. The entire Easter weekend he was strong and if you didn't know it you would never know that he has cancer! Too bad we have to knock him down again this morning!

We had a great Easter weekend. Matt's brother and wife, Wayne and Jill, came for a visit and they took one look at our sorry yard and decided to help us out! They spread all kinds of stuff onto the lawns, strategically set up some sprinklers and planted flowers in our flower beds. We may have a green lawn this summer after all!! Saturday night we had a fire in the fire pit, roasted marshmallows, and made somemores. Sunday we went to church and then had a big lunch with Matt's mom, two brothers Wayne and Sam, and Jill. It was a very nice weekend!

Ok we are sending out a challenge to all of you to send us any cancer jokes you run across. Matt likes to diffuse stress and pain with laughter. So far he has in his repertoire, "Colon cancer is a pain in the butt!!" I have now heard that joke over 20 times so we desperately need some new ones!!

We just got Matt's blood work done and his port ready to go. We are waiting to see all of Matt's medical team and then will begin chemo at 11:00 am.


  1. Good luck today Matt! I will be thinking about you this week. So glad to hear that you were well enough to go to work last week. James said that you look great. Stay strong and please let us know if you need anything.

    Shannon Seballos

  2. Here's the site Matt needs to check out:

    My favorite colon cancer joke from that site is for a new colon cancer medicine called RepairMyassa manufactured by Indarear Pharmaceuticals:

  3. Niki
    I was supposed to right down for you to remember to ask abbot two things on this visit.....astragulus,the herbal immune builder drops...and have his team explain about being neutropenic (i don't know the correct spelling).As for the joke challenge...john has better ones.just so exciting that at the end of this three day run you will have logan back...almost like going through labor and having a reward at the end..your son! Dalene

  4. Who needs to read the book club book when Niki has a blog? Not me! I loved you before but after reading your blog I'm even more in love with you :) Thanks for sharing Niki. You're awesome.
