Sunday, October 23, 2011

A World Full of Beautiful People

I had a wonderful experience yesterday that I wanted to share. Through this entire experience we have been surrounded by so many loving, kind, and thoughtful people. There are so many people we have met at the cancer center that have shared their lives and love with us. Of course there are all of you who follow this blog that have shown your love and support in many ways! And then here at home we have so much family that helps us each and every day. We are so blessed! Then yesterday Heavenly Father put another person on my path and even though I will probably never see this person again and what she did was just a small service for me, it touched me deeply and I will never forget it.

I was at the Women's expo with Brittani and she had gone to get lunch. A passed a woman who stopped me and asked about my necklace. I had on a "love, hope and faith" necklace that another caregiver had given me at the cancer center. She had bought one for me and one for her at the gift shop in the hospital. I told the woman at the expo that it had been a gift and came from the gift shop at the Cancer Center of America in Phoenix. She asked me if I had cancer and as I told her no that it was my husband I started crying. (I never know when those pesky tears are going to start up!!) She was so kind and told me how she had recently lost a friend to ovarian cancer and how she and her brother were both cancer survivors. She asked me my name and Matt's name and asked if I would mind if she prayed for us. I told her that I would feel honored to have her pray for us. She gave me a quick hug and we went our separate ways.

That was it, just a short conversation with a stranger, but as I left her I felt so much joy and love fill my heart. I thought how wonderful it is to live in a world full of beautiful people! I began to think about how without pain and sorrow we can't know joy, love, hope, etc. Maybe we are given trials in our lives so we can truly experience and FEEL all of the above mentioned emotions. I hope I am making sense!! :) Our Heavenly Father loves us all so much and he shows us his love through those around us. Thank you all for helping me to feel His love through you!!

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