Friday, July 29, 2011

A Good Trip to the Hosptial

Finally after 4 weeks Matt's platelets were up high enough for him to be able to get chemotherapy again. Not that he was excited to go and fill up his body with more poison, but you do begin to worry that if you don't stay one step ahead of the cancer it could take over again at any minute!!

Our worries were unfounded as his tumor marker went down again....this time to 1.3. The normal range is from 0 - 5 so he is in the normal range now. That was good news. The doctor told us that he was going to reduce the chemo medicine a little more to try and help keep Matt's platelet count up. He told us that Matt needs to be able to have treatment every 3 weeks. So we hope that this reduction in chemo will help.

Our trip to Goodyear was nice as Matt's brother Jared and family who are visiting from Florida came and stayed at a hotel near the hospital and while his wife, kids and I went shopping, Jared was able to spend some time with Matt.

Matt and I also had a wonderful visit from his cousin Karen whom we haven't seen in a while. It was really nice to catch up and renew that connection. When we were all young and newly married we used to do a lot together; then life got busy, we moved here and there, and we didn't stay in touch like we should have. It just takes a little cancer to get us all remembering what and who is important in our lives!!

It was my birthday today and I had a lot of messages wishing me a happy birthday. Thank you all so much for thinking of me! All I want for my birthday this year is many more birthdays with Matt by my side!

Our next chemo treatment is schedule for Aug. 16 - 19. Please pray that Matt's platelets will cooperate. Thanks!! We love you all so much!!

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