Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bumps In the Road

Good News:
The makers of Avastin approved our request to pay for the drug so Matt is still in the trial....

Bad News:
Matt is experiencing some pretty bad side effects from the trial drugs.  He has had extreme nose bleeds for the past two weeks that keep him from sleeping and has caused him to become anemic.  He had to have a blood transfusion and even with 2 units of blood his hemoglobin count did not come up much.  If this continues it may knock him out of the trial.

I have seen so much blood over the past week.  Blood on the sheets, blankets, carpet, pillows, furniture, walls, etc. etc.  I am NOT a person who likes to see blood and neither is Matt!  This has most definetely not been an enjoyable experience!  Yuck!!!  Then to watch as the transfusion blood flowed into Matt's port was enough to make us both pass out!  LOL!

Tomorrow we see an ENT in hopes that he will be able to help us find some way to control the nose bleeds that get so bad that Matt even gets a lot of blood in his mouth.  We should know more tomorrow as well as on Thursday when he has another blood test as well as infusion.  

I will post more then. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm saddened to hear about the trial with the trial. Did you two really pass out or just come close?
