Monday, February 18, 2013

Started A New Trial - Just Not the One We Wanted

This past month has been a complete roller coaster ride!  Matt's tumor sample was tested and came back negative for the needed protein so he was unable to go on the immune therapy trial that we had so hoped he would be able to do.  We returned back to the research clinic and discussed another trial drug that has been showing some success in at least keeping the cancer stable.  I have connected online with another caregiver whose husband has colorectal cancer like Matt who has been on the drug since last July and he is stable with a little response.  The side effects are supposed to be minimal so we decided to try it.

The infusion is every week so we decided to take the 5 youngest children on a vacation before beginning the trial.  We went to Disneyland for a week.  We had an amazing time and Matt felt really good while we were there.  We rented him a scooter and he got yelled at to slow down several times!  :)  I think he enjoyed the scooter more than any of the rides in the park.

Last Monday Matt had his first ct scan since stopping chemo in Dec. and it was not a good scan.  Truthfully it really scared me!  The liver and lung tumors have grown a lot in the past two months.  I am just so amazed with the tumor load Matt has that he is looking and feeling so good.  The only trouble he has been having is pain in his back where he has a tumor.  This pain is getting worse and last week we met with the pain doc who has given him some pretty good drugs that are working now to help manage it.  There is a new procedure that can be done if the pain gets worse, but right now our main focus is getting Matt going on this new clinical trial.

On Thursday Matt had his first infusion and so far no real side effects.  This week he will get the second drug and hope that this one will also be free of side effects.  We want this time with Matt while he is feeling good and is still somewhat strong.

Over the past few weeks we have had many little tender mercies from our Savior, little reminders that he is there holding us in his arms.  He knows us and he loves us, of this I am certain.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update. May you continue to feel and recognize the Lord's tender mercies!
